SJH Nursery & Landscaping Sdn Bhd added a news
Sep 3, 2020 at 09:29 am —

Jul 2019 – Licuala Grandis

It originates in Vanuatu where it is widely distributed on many of the islands and is also found in the Solomon Islands. It commonly grows as scattered individual in disturbed lowland rainforest, especially in moist soils. The species is essentially tropical in its requirements and is rather sensitive to cold, although it can be grown in a warm, protected position in the subtropics. The plants are generally slow growing and make excellent subjects for tub culture. They require shaded conditions and protection from strong winds. A choice variant having variegated leaves is grown in Singapore. read more
SJH Nursery & Landscaping Sdn Bhd added a news
Sep 3, 2020 at 09:29 am —

Jun 2019 – Livistona Drudei

An attractive Australian Palm with a relatively restricted distribution and becoming uncommon due to clearing of it habitat. Plants have a crown of shiny green fronds with shortly drooping tips and clusters of cream flowers. Well suited to tropical and subtropical regions. Looks attractive in a container and also when planted in groups of mixed ages. read more
SJH Nursery & Landscaping Sdn Bhd added a news
Sep 3, 2020 at 09:28 am —

May 2019 – Livistona Decipiens

The species grows in colonies along stream banks and is also conspicuous in coastal districts. An excellent palm tolerant of a wide range of conditions, from the tropics to temperate regions and very useful near the coast. read more
SJH Nursery & Landscaping Sdn Bhd added a news
Sep 3, 2020 at 09:27 am —

Apr 2019 – Pinanga Kuhlii

Ivory Cane Palm is a handsome cluster palm which forms a neat clump of slender, yellowish trunks to about 8 meter tall. Each bright green, prominently ringed stem has a short, swollen crownshaft and the leaves are scattered along the trunk rather than in a dense crown. It grow well in the tropics and subtropics regions. Given plenty of water and fertilizer the plants can be quite fast growing and prefer a shady position rather than full sun. read more
SJH Nursery & Landscaping Sdn Bhd added a news
Sep 3, 2020 at 09:26 am —

Mar 2019 – Ravenala Madagascariensis

Ravenala Madagascariensis, commonly known as Trvaller’s Tree or Traveller’s Palm, is a species of plant from Madagascar. The enormous paddle-shaped leaves are borne on long petioles, in a distinctive fan shape aligned in a single plane. In tropical and subtropicall regions, the plant is widely cultivated for its distinctive habit and foliage. As the plant grows older, it progressively loses the lowest or oldest leaves and reveals a sturdy grey trunk. The plant requires a sunny spot. It responds well to fertiliser, especially if it is high in nitrogen during the growing season. This produces better growth and foliage. The plant grows to an average height of 7 meters and requires moderate water. read more
SJH Nursery & Landscaping Sdn Bhd added a news
Sep 3, 2020 at 09:26 am —

Feb 2019 – Johannesteijmannia Altifrons

This palm has a creeping, subterranean trunk and a cluster of up to thirty leaves which form an impressive erect tussock. Each leaf, to 6 meter tall, has a slender, thorny petiole to 2.5 meter long and a large, dark green, diamond-shaped blade which is prominently ribbed and with coarsely toothed margins. The white flowers have a sour smell and the corkey fruit, about 4 cm across, are brown when ripe. This palm is well known in the area where it grows because the large fronds provide an excellent shelter in a sudden downpour. They are also ideal for thatching huts. Cultivated on a limited scale but becoming more widely grown. read more
SJH Nursery & Landscaping Sdn Bhd added a news
Sep 3, 2020 at 09:26 am —

Jan 2019 – Latania Verschaffeltii

A robust fan palm native to the Mascarene Island of Rodriguez. Its petioles and leaf-bases are also covered with a dense, white wool at least on mature trees but the leaves are green rather than glaucous. In young plants the leaf veins and petioles are an attractive bright orange colour with this colouration even extending to the leaf lamina of some plants. The leaves also have a short, blunt hastula which is quite different from that of the other species. A monotypic genus of palm endemic to Lord Howe Island where it grows in stunted moss forests at about 750 meter altitude. The species is a solitary, small to medium-sized, unarmed feather-leaved palm with a bulging, incomplete crownshaft... read more
SJH Nursery & Landscaping Sdn Bhd added a news
Sep 3, 2020 at 09:25 am —

Dec 2018 – Livistona Chinensis

This fan palm has prominently drooping tips which adorn the broad, glossy leaves of all but very young plants. The leaves often have a fresh, green lustre and this together with the weeping segment tips, provides a decorative combination. The fruit are an attractive bluish colour and hang in dense clusters. The Chinese Fan Palm is hardy and is a popular subject for cultivation in tropical and temperate regions. It makes an excellent tub plant and when young is very useful indoors, even tolerating dark positions. It tends to be slow growing in temperate regions where plants rarely reach 4 meter tall. The plants are tolerant of poor soil but respond to application of fertilizer... read more
SJH Nursery & Landscaping Sdn Bhd added a news
Sep 3, 2020 at 09:25 am —

Nov 2018 – Cycas Revoluta

Propagation of Cycas Revoluta is either by seed or by removal of basal offsets. It is one of the most widely cultivated cycads, grown outdoors in warm temperate and subtropical regions, or under glass in colder areas. It grows best in sandy, well-drained soil, preferably with some organic matter. It needs good drainage or it will rot. It is fairly drought-tolerant and grows well in full sun or outdoor shade, but needs bright light when grown indoors. The leaves can bleach somewhat if moved from indoors to full sun outdoors. read more
SJH Nursery & Landscaping Sdn Bhd added a news
Sep 3, 2020 at 09:23 am —

Oct 2018 – Phoenix Reclinata

This handsome palm forms a large clump consisting of many slender trunks curving away from each other and crowned with bright green, attractively curved pinnate fronds. Numerous basal suckers form a green rosette around the bottom of the trunks. The palm is native to tropical or temperate regions and seems quite tolerant of cold and frosts. Excellent for park planting, it looks particularly attractive when sited near water. Young plants respond markedly to regular watering, mulches and side dressings with fertilizer rich in nitrogen. A sunny position is most suitable. The brown fruit are edible but rather astringent. read more
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