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Plants People Planet Journal v.01 released

Plants People Planet Journal v.01 released
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We rely on plants for food, shelter, fuel and fibres for clothing, for our gardens, landscape, and artistic inspiration. We live on a planetwhere life is powered by plants through photosynthesis, on land andin the sea; plants connect all of us. Human civilisation exists because of plants.

Plants, People, Planet,a cross-disciplinary Open Access journal, launches today with its first issue. Plants, People, Planet will publish peer-reviewed articles, opinion and review that focuses on the connections between plant science and society. The new journal aims to celebrate everything new, innovative and exciting in plant sciences that are relevant to society and peoples’ daily lives.

Issue1 of Plants,People, Planet,which will be published today, includes insights into the unbreakable bond between people and plants from Sandra Knapp (Natural HistoryMuseum, London), seven ways for plant scientists to protect the planet’s plant diversity by Peter Raven (Missouri Botanical Garden),and the challenge for botanical gardens by Paul Smith (BotanicGardens Conservation International, BGCI). Chris Thorogood (OxfordBotanical Garden) introduces us to Hydnora, possibly the world’s strangest plant.

Our complex relationship with plants shapes societies, cultures, and the Earth’s ecosystems, resulting in the world as we know it today. As the human race grows the work of plant scientists has never been more important, as it seeks to meet the global challenges of the 21stCentury.

Plants,People, Planet will publish emerging plant science that has the potential for impact onsociety – Societal Impact Statements will highlight how eachcontributed article is relevant to society. The journal will publishacross six themes:
  •     Plants and society
  •     Plant conservation
  •     Plant genomics applications
  •     Plant diversity
  •     Plants and global change
  •     Plant natural assets

Plants,People, Planet is owned and produced by the New Phytologist Trust, the not-for-profitorganisation behind the peer-reviewed plant science journal, NewPhytologist, which was founded by Sir Arthur Tansley over 100 yearsago.

Plants, People, Planet will be available online at:

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